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Prophetic Banter

Prophetic Banter:

From Marlene (a prophetic friend of mine):

“Be still and know that I am God. Haven't I shown you again and again that you are my pearl of great price and the gem in my diadem.

I can't scatter your enemies if you don't allow me to arise. You won't allow me to protect you on my terms. Why do you tie my hands?

Did you receive the droplets of hope I released on what you consider dead? There is always a fullness of time, do not faint my beloved. Don't you know my eyes are burning torches? I understand the myriad of all the complexities. My heart responds in ways yours doesn't, so do not mistake what I am doing.

We are getting ready to ride the waves of the wind into territories where I have staked my claim for you and Myself.

The train is ready to leave the station. Are your bags packed? Will you leave all behind for me? Are you ready for the speed of lightning? Eye has yet to see what I have prepared for my chosen ones.”

Marlene D.


My thoughts (Vince):

I really liked the statement that we were a “gem in His diadem” That has such a deep meaning, does it mean that we are part oof his crowning glory? Wow!

This word has many facets to it. ( no pun intended) and there’s a lot of opportunity to insert our own understanding into it, so for this one you need to continue to press into for understanding, which I know you will, and not let His word fall to the ground.

it seems clear that suddenly and soon, whether for an individual or corporately, I think corporately, God Is expanding our tent pegs/Metron of authority and we will affect other territories.

To me it sounds like It’s coming quickly,and as always, there’s always a choice are we willing and are we ready/bags packeed, to be launched on the wind of His Spirit into the adventure He has prepared us for?

The fact that he said ride the “waves” of the wind, could imply it’s going to come in stages, just as the waves come in rhythm. But I’m not sure, which is why, perhaps, He wants us too Press in, love the way he said that. He has such a way way with words.

The statement that God won’t/can’t protect those on our own terms, because we won’t let him arise, so He can scatter our enemies seems very very important to me at this juncture in history.

This is a very powerful word.


I (Vince) also received a word last night, which I have to go through a couple times, that could mesh with your word i. that that our mission is about to be broadened and we will affect other territories in fact tthe entire nation. I

I love how He shrouds things in mystery. He gives you enough to get you excited, but leaves it in a state, where you have to press in for deeper understanding. After all, it is the manner of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings to seek it out.

My Word (Vince):

Received during Healing Rooms Soaking Night:

War Has Been Declared

“My angelic forces are
amassing at the gates of your Region
For war has been declaredv and it must come according
to My covenant plans that have
I have established in My own authority

Already the battle is raging at the gates of your enemies
Your prayers and intercession
have prevailed
and your region is under
the angelic covering that I have released
for the demonic storms that
are raging across this nation
shall not come near your region

For I shall use you and your
Band of Warriors
To shift the atmosphere
over this nation

Cultivate a listening ear
and come into the flow of My spirt
For I will carry you on the wings of My eagles
Into the heights
far above the turmoil below

From this vantage point
You will be free
to enter into the
War Room of Heaven
So you may receive your orders
and be able to march in the
cadence of heaven

At this juncture My children
you must respond in instant
obedience to the Voice of Command

Stay in sync with My leading
for the battles you have engaged in
shall pale in comparison
to the giants I will empower you
to tear down

Prepare yourself in Spirit and in Truth
Gird up your loins with the truth of My word
For I have transformed you into
Warriors of my Word

Many battles are ordained
So the Heirs of Salvation
may come into the barns
of the Most High

Vince Aquilino
Healing Rooms Soaking Night
7:45 PM


“Yes My Children
I AM with you
I have been with you
Thtough the trials and tribulations of this life
For you are God-formed

You have grown in stature My children
This time in the earth realm
Has been used to prepare
You for the eternity ahead

Every challenge overcome
Has allowed you to grow
And be conformed more and more
Into My image

Vince Aquilino
7:30 PM

Let the adventure begin!!

"Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper." (2 Chron 20:20b)

"Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy? (AMO 3:7-8)

"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." (Rev 19:10)

"But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all; to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues" (1 Co 12:7, 10)

"But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men." (1CO 14:3)


  1. Transformation Syracuse/CNY
  2. The Healing Rooms of Greater Syracuse

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